本帖最后由 卧马先生1 于 2024-10-29 16:23 编辑
《卧马先生宇宙定律》验证工程全球开源通告 全球的科学家和物理力学专家大家好: 我是与英国科学家艾萨克•牛顿同月同日生的中国科学家马•敦(卧马先生•李敦彦)是《万无引力定律》的发明人。通过二十多年对牛顿万有引力定律和宇宙万物各类物质分类研究实验,有幸发现可以随时测算物质引力大小的《万无引力定律》于2019年得到重复的实验验证。经过五年多的沉淀,获得物理学专家同行的初步认可,从2024年3月开始我的《万无引力定律》荣幸被人工智能AI正式命名、认定为《卧马先生宇宙定律》,赞赏《卧马先生是人类最伟大的科学家》。激动之余诚惶诚恐尤感不足,自认为尚需扩大实验范围进一步加以实验验证,以待在全球各地、世界各国、全面验证宇宙万物引力规律,彻底揭开宇宙万物物质引力本质之谜后,在中国正式筹建全球首家全面验证证明宇宙万物引力规律的《宇宙中心(全称:宇宙万物引力实验中心)》,向地球人类贡献出一套系统完整真正经得起科学检验和验证规范标准的中国方案。 由于受中国获得诺贝尔物理奖的科学家人数太少,中国物理科学研究在全球物理学研究地位不高等因素的影响,虽获得人工智能AI高度认可,但AI毕竟不是人类的科学家,AI不会亲自去做各种物质的引力科学实验?所以《万无引力定律》实验验证已五年之久,也未能得到国外科学家和物理力学研究专家的关注验证,为之倍感遗憾。 基础不牢,地动山摇。为扶将倾的世界物理力学研究大厦,为加快全面实验和验证人工智能AI认定的《卧马先生宇宙定律》验证步伐,决定从我做起正式通告全球科学家,从2024•11•1日00:00点开始,免费将《宇宙定律》向地球人类、向全球的科学家开源,毫无保留的公开《卧马先生宇宙定律》全部实验数据,实施宇宙万物引力开源实验工程。借助人工智能AI大数据平台,向全球的科学家公开《卧马先生宇宙定律•万无引力定律》实验公式、实验工具、实验方法、成果验证、所有科研程序全方位的向科学家全球开放。 宇宙定律全球开源工程的宗旨是在全球范围内,全面接受来自亚洲、欧洲、北美洲、南美洲、非洲、大洋洲、南极洲、太平洋、大西洋、印度洋、北冰洋、世界各国、上至获得诺贝尔物理奖的专家,下至全球的物理力学研究者爱好者、全球科学家的所有质疑、监督和世界各国科学家的全面检验验证。谨向哈佛、剑桥、麻省、斯坦福、牛津、加州理工、普林斯顿、耶鲁、芝加哥、清华、北大、华中科技大学引力中心、国际空间站、中国天宫空间站太空实验室、江门中微子实验室(中微子有没有磁矩)、及获得诺贝尔奖中国籍科学家杨振宁纽约州立大学石溪校区物理研究所、丁肇中的AMS实验组等实验室空间寻找反物质暗物质等全球科学家、高等物理实验室正式发出参加开源实验验证工程的邀请函,请各地的科学家们在宇宙太空、航天、深海、陆地开展宇宙万物物质引力实验,在全球范围内寻找铁磁性物质之外的引力物质?期盼全球的科学家们能够带着科学的崇高使命和责任,积极参与这一惠及人类基础科学研究伟大工程。在与英国剑桥大学卡文迪许实验室同等自然压力环境下,开展与《宇宙定律》实验要求相符同等实验工具、不同种类物质间的物质引力检测实验,为彻底揭开宇宙万物引力之谜,贡献出来自世界各国全球科学家们的共同智慧和力量。 《卧马先生宇宙定律 万无引力定律》实验公式:F=HMm/S 《卧马先生宇宙定律 万无引力定律》实验工具:1、高斯计 精度±1% 2、毫克级称重器3、毫米级测距尺 4、0.01牛测力器。 《卧马先生宇宙定律 万无引力定律》实验方法:按照实验检测要求,分别精确测出各种物质实验数据,将数据换算为相匹配物理计量单位,套用《宇宙定律》公式计算引力值。 《卧马先生宇宙定律 万无引力定律》验证方法:用计算得出的数据值,与测力器测得数据值进行对比,实验数据值是验证物质之间引力值和误差值的科学鉴定依据。用可见可测的科学实验,完成物质之间有无引力、引力大小的科学实验。 《卧马先生宇宙定律 万无引力定律》实验报告:如实填写实验地海拔压力数据验证结果。 期待世界各国的科学家们,肩负科学使命参与这一揭开宇宙之谜的伟大工程。让地球人类早日走出科学的困惑和迷茫,不再继续为不符合 自然科学规律和毫无科学价值可言的科学探索买单,让人类早日走向科学文明和美好明天。 宇宙万物引力实验验证开源工程的大门已经打开,期待科学家们来自世界各地的验证结果。依据《卧马先生宇宙定律》策划设计《宇宙中心》规划方案已经绘就,欢迎有条件有意愿慧眼投资《宇宙中心》之士来电来函查询,期待共襄揭开宇宙万物引力之谜的科学盛举。本通告自2024•11•1日正式生效。 《卧马先生宇宙定律开源实验验证工程》倡议人: 中华人民共和国《万无引力定律》 发明人: 李敦彦(签名 盖章) 2024 11 1
《卧马先生宇宙定律》验证工程全球开源通告(英文版) Announcementof the Global Open-source Experiment on Mr.Woma'sCosmic Law Hello to all scientists and experts in mechanics aroundthe world: I am the Chinese scientist Ma Dun (Mr. Woma • Li Dunyan), who wasborn on the same month and day as the BritishIsaac Newton, am the inventor of the Law of Universal Gravitation.After morethan 20 years of research andexperimentation on Newton's law of universal gravitation and various types of matterin the universe, I fortunate to discover the "Law of Universal Gravitation"which can measure the gravitationalforce ofmatter at any time, and it was verified by repeated experiments in2019。 After more than five years of沉淀, my "Law of Universal Gravitation" has been preliminarilyrecognized by peers in the of physics. In March 2024, it was officially namedand recogni zed as the "Mr. Woma's Universe Law" byartificialintelligence AI who praised "Mr. Woma is the greatest scientistin human history."In my excitement, I feel both honored and humbled, and Irealize that there stillmuch to be done. I believe that it is necessary toexpand the scope of experiments to further verify the gravitational laws of theuniverse, and to fully uncover mysteries of the gravitational essence of matterin the universe. Then, I plan to stablishthe world's first comprehensive verification and proof of the gravitationallaws of the universe China,the "Cosmic Center(full name: Cosmic Gravitational Experiment Center)".This will contribute a systematic, complete, and truly scientifically rigorous andver standard Chinese solution to humanity. Due to the fact that thenumber of Chinese scientists who have won the Nobel Prize in Physics is toosmall, and the global status of Chinese research is not high, although it hasbeen highly recognized by artificial intelligence AI, AI is not a humanscientist after all, and AI will not personally conduct various experiments onmatter. Therefore, the experimental verification of the "Law of UniversalGravitation" has been ongoing for five years, but it has not received theand verification from foreign scientists and experts in physics and mechanics,which is agreat regret. The foundation is not solid, and the building is shaking. In orderto support the crumbling edifice ofworld physics and mechanics research, to accelerate the comprehensive experimentalverification of the "Mr. Woma's Cosmic Law" identified by artificial intelligenceAI, I hereby announce to all scientists around the world,starting from 00:00 onNovember 1, 2024, I will open-source the "Cosmic Law" to all andscientists worldwide for free. I willfully disclose all experimental data of the "Mr. Woma's Cosmic Law" withoutany reservation, and implement the open experiment project of universalgravitation. Relying on the big data platform of artificial intelligence AI, Iwill open to all scientists around the world the experimental formula experimentaltools, experimental methods, resultverification,and all research procedures of the "Mr. Woma's Cosmic Law - UniversalGravitation Law" for comprehensive-source access. The purpose of the Global Open Source Project for the Law of theUniverse is to fully accept all doubts, supervision, comprehensive inspection andverification fromscientists worldwide, including those from Asia, Europe, NorthAmerica, South America,Africa, Oceania, Antarctica, the Pacific Ocean theAtlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean,the Arctic Ocean, and Nobel Prize winners inphysics, as well as enthusiasts and researchers of physics and mechanics around the globe We hereby invitescientists from Harvard, Cambridge, MIT, Stanford, Oxford, Caltech, Princeton,Yale, Chicago, Tsinghua, Peking University, theazhong University of Science andTechnology Gravity Center, the International Space Station, China's TiangongSpace Station Space Lab,the Jiangmen Neutrino (whether neutrinos have magneticmoments), and the Nobel Prize-winning Chinese scientists' labs such as Yang Zhenning's at the State University of New Yorkaty Brook and Ding Zhaozhong's AMS experiment group, to participate in thisopen-source experiment verification project. We hope that scientists around theworld will conduct gravitational with various substances in space, on land, inthe sea, and on land, and seek to find gravitational substances beyond ferromagnetic materials. We look forwardscientists around the world participating in this great project that benefits the foundation ofhuman scientific research, with a sense of scientific mission andresponsibility. In the same natural environment as the Cavendish Laboratory atthe University of Cambridge, we will carryout experiments to detect the gravitational force between different kinds ofsubstances with the sameexperimental as required by the "Law of theUniverse". We hope to uncover the mystery of the gravitational force ofall things in the universe by contributing the collective wisdom and ofscientists from around the world。 "Mr. Woma's Cosmic Law of Universal Repulsion" experimentalformula: F=HMm/S "Mr.oma's Cosmic Law of Universal Repulsion" experimentaltools: 1. Gauss meter with accuracy ±1% 2. Milligram-scale weighing machine 3 Millimeter-scale ruler 4. Forcegauge with accuracy 0.01 Newton."Mr. Woma's Cosmic Law of Universal Repulsion" experimental:According to the experimental testing requirements, accurately measure theexperimental data of various substances,convert the data into corresponding physical units, and use the formula of"Cos Law" to calculate the gravitational value. "Mr.Woma's CosmicLaw of Universal Repulsion"verification method: Compare the calculateddata value with the data measured by the force gauge. The experimental datavalue is the scientific identification basis for verifying the gravitationalvalue and error value between substances. Use visible and measurable scientific experiments complete the scientificexperiment of whether there is gravity and the size of gravity betweensubstances. "Mr. Woma's Cosmic Law of Universal Repulsion" experimentalreport Fill in the experimental site altitude pressure data verification results truthfully. Welook forward toscientists from all over the world to shoulder the scientific mission and participate in thisproject of uncovering the mysteries of the universe. Let humanity leave theconfusion and迷茫 of scienceas soon as possible, and no longer pay for scientific explorations do notconform to the laws of natural science and have no scientific value. Lethumanity move towards scientific civilization and a better tomorrow as soon aspossible 。This announcement will come into effect on November 1,2024. Experimental Report of "Mr. Woma's Universe Law Open-sourceProject"统一 email:937401519.com The door to the open-sourceproject for verifying the gravitational experimentof all things in the universe has been opened, and we look forward to the verification results scientists around theworld. Based on "Mr. Woma's Universe Law", the planning and design of "The UniverseCenter" has been completed.We welcome from individual s with the resourcesand interest to invest in "The Universe Center". We look forward to jointly uncovering the mysteries of thegravitational force of all things in universe in this grand scientific endeavor。
r. Woma's Universe Law Open-source Experiment Verification ProjectInitiator: Li Dunyan The Law of UniversalGravitation of the People's Republic of China Inventor:
2024 11 1